We show LOVE, have PRIDE and are SAFE.
Vision & Christian Values
Our Vision
A school family at the centre of its village community, with a big outward looking heart, where all are enabled to shine as unique individuals, using their well of abilities to flourish as global citizens.
Our Christian Values
Our Christian Values are Compassion, Courage and Respect .
God is Love
Our Vision and values are rooted in the theology ‘God is Love’. Love flows through everything we do.
British Values
The NCSF MAT recognises the importance of allowing pupils to flourish academically but also actively cherish them as individuals by preparing them for their adult life beyond our nurturing hub of schools. Part of our role in that preparation is ensuring that we promote and reinforce British values across our school and throughout our curriculum so that British values shine throughout all that we do.
The government set out its definition of British values in the 2015 Prevent Strategy and considered them to be:
rule of law
individual liberty
mutual respect and
tolerance of those of different faiths and belief
Within NCSF, pupils are encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance and understand that while different people may hold different views about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, all people living in England are subject to its law. Our children are confident in discussing their place in the world and the ways in which they can positively contribute to modern British society now and in the future.
The document below is an indication of some of the many ways we seek to embed British values within NCSF Schools and should be seen as an indication of our approach rather than an exhaustive list.
The Story of Our Vision
Our vision was written in conjunction with staff, pupils, parents, directors and the local community, drawing on our knowledge of the history of Longborough Church of England Primary School and focusing on what is special and unique about our school.
The Ashwell is represented on the school badge and is a significant part of Longborough village history and therefore the school vision. Ashwell is an ancient name deriving from “Aesc’s Well” and was historically the source of the village water supply. As well as villagers filling up their buckets for their daily supply of water, the farmers would bring down their horses and carts to fill up.
The special connection Longborough Primary School and the village have with the Ashwell brought to mind the passage in Isaiah 58:11 - just as the Ashwell is ever-flowing, so too is God’s Love as Isaiah explains:
‘The Lord will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength. You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing stream.’ (Isaiah 58:11).
The theme of the continuity of God’s love, flows through the Bible. The stories within its pages teach us of a God of love, who lovingly created the world. Love was also central to the teachings of Jesus who said that the greatest command was to love God and ‘love your neighbour as yourself’ (Mark 12: 30-31).
At Longborough Church of England Primary School, we believe that love flows continually through all we do, enabling us to flourish spiritually and emotionally. When you visit our school, our warm family atmosphere, which celebrates each individual’s uniqueness and enables all to flourish, has grown through relationships based on love.
Throughout the school year in Worship we explore a range of Bible stories such as the Creation Story, The Lost Sheep and the Good Samaritan, which enable us to understand the nature of God’s love and how our Christian values are underpinned by love. The key teachings from these stories are accessible to all, regardless of their faith or worldview, and are supplemented by stories from other cultures and religions to ensure inclusivity for the diversity of worldviews represented within our school community.
Love moves us to show compassion towards others and to show respect for others’ feelings and worldviews. Love lived out in this way in our daily lives in school, enables us to feel safe and to have the courage to try new things and flourish in our learning. A love for learning engenders a sense of pride in both our school and our work as we celebrate our shared and individual successes, throughout our school family and wider village community.
Through every aspect of our school life, from our policies and curriculum to our day-to-day interactions with each other, love flows and is fundamental to how we relate to each other and build a strong and safe school community.
At Longborough Primary School, we show LOVE, have PRIDE and are SAFE.