Longborough Local Academy Committee (LAC)

As part of the North Cotswold Schools Federation Multi-Academy Trust, we have board of directors and also a Local Academy Committee. The LAC works with the schools and alongside the school staff to look at the curriculum, our relationship with the Church and Community.

We currently have 4 LAC members but are always on the look out for more members of our committee. If you would like more information regarding what our LAC does, please email longboroughadmin@ncsf.school.

Each member has a specific area of responisbilty in our LAC;

SIAMs- Rev’d Gareth Griffith

Safeguarding- Rebecca Davy (Longborough parent)

SEND- Deborah Clarke (Longborough parent)

Pupil Premium- Deborah Clarke

Jayne Pryor - Head of School

If you would like to contact any member of our LAC, please email longboroughadmin@ncsf.school for their

contact details.

Chair of Directors: Melanie Huttunen

Email: chair@ncsf.school